Spirit of the Beehive - Pleasure Suck

Tiny Engines

Release Date: March 24, 2017
Regular price $24.00

1. pleasure suck I
2. ricky (caught me tryin')
3. time to scratch them all
4. pianos, heavy instrument
5. snow on the moon
6. future looks bright (it's blinding)
7. becomes the truth
8. big brain
9. mono light crash
10. twenty first road trip
11. cops come looking
12. pleasure suck II

First Pressing (Vinyl):
200 Opaque Yellow / Opaque Brown Split
350 Pink / White Marble
450 Black

Second Pressing (Vinyl):
200 Root Beer
300 Natural w/ Metallic Gold

Third Pressing (Vinyl):
1000 Translucent Orange

First Pressing (Cassettes):
75 Purple Solid
100 Blue Tint
175 Clear w/ Gold Liner

Second Pressing (Cassettes):
50 Goldenrod
70 Light Blue
80 Light Pink

Cassette / CD / Digital / Vinyl
Alternative / Indie / Rock